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GKIS Recommends ADHD-Friendly Apps for Kids


Ten percent of American children are estimated to have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Children with ADHD often struggle in school because they get distracted and have difficulty following through. Kids with ADHD also tend to LOVE screen technology. Not only do screens offer them a world of on-demand discovery, but they can also gain expertise over time and earn much-needed social capital that they may have difficulty earning in real life. To help your family make their way through the world with a fun, positive connection and better screen safety, access Dr. Tracy Bennett’s expert parent and family coaching videos through our GKIS Screen Safety Essentials Course. In today’s GKIS article, we will discuss the benefits of technology and app recommendation for children with ADHD.

What is ADHD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. Children with ADHD have trouble paying attention, controlling their behavior, and can be very active as if driven by a motor.[1] ADHD can impact emotions, behaviors, and the ability to learn new things.  It is usually diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. About 60% to 85% of the children diagnosed with ADHD at a young age continue to have it as teens, although symptoms might change with age.[2]

The Three Types of ADHD

Inattentive Type

ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Type is characterized by a daydreamer who has difficulty paying attention, listening, and following through with tasks. Children with this type of ADHD are often overlooked until late grade school because they are quiet and not disruptive. However, their ability to function to their true ability is impaired in all contexts of their lives. It has been shown that more girls are diagnosed with inattentive ADHD than boys.[3]

Symptoms of ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Type

  • Often has trouble giving close attention to details and makes careless mistakes
  • Has difficulty sustaining attention to certain tasks or play activities
  • Frequently distracted and doesn’t seem to pay attention to those speaking directly to them
  • Often does not follow instructions and fails to complete tasks
  • Has difficulties organizing tasks and activities
  • Doesn’t enjoy and avoids activities that require them to use mental effort

Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

ADHD, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type is characterized by a child who fidgets, has trouble staying in their seat, and talks a lot. It is hard for them to stay still for long. They tend to be impulsive and interrupt others. It is more common for a child with hyperactivity to have more accidents and sustain frequent injuries. They also tend to be identified at younger ages because of their acting out potential.

 Symptoms of ADHD, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

  • Frequently fidgets with or taps hands or feet
  • Leaves the seat in situations when remaining seated is expected
  • Runs or climbs in situations where it is inappropriate
  • Is “on the go” and doesn’t seem to get tired
  • Talks excessively
  • Answers questions before the person has time to finish it

ADHD Combined Type

ADHD, Combined Type is characterized by a child that has trouble paying attention and difficulty sitting still and staying quiet. This is the most common type of ADHD. It is characterized by the symptoms from both the inattentive criteria list and the hyperactive-impulsive criteria list.

How Technology Helps Children With ADHD

Children with ADHD commonly struggle with time management, organization, and failure to focus. Technology and apps can help children with ADHD stay organized, reach their goals, and fight the urge to get distracted.

GKIS-Recommended Apps for Kids With ADHD

Rescue Time

Rescue Time is a web-based time management and analytics tool that helps children be more efficient and productive. One of the symptoms of ADHD is “distraction.” This app aims to prevent distractions and any possibilities of children getting scattered. It allows you to rate each activity from “very distractive” to “very productive” and sets goals for children while tracking progress. With all of that rescued time, be sure to plan fun family activities. For great ideas, check out Dr. B’s GKIS article, #TogetherAtHome Family-Friendly Activity Ideas


Roblox is available for iOS and Android. It is a video game that is reported to strengthen planning skills, organization, and working memory as children learn as they go. Roblox is a game where people come together to create and imagine as they play. It is a fun game where the whole family can have fun. To learn more about the risks and benefits of Roblox, check out our
The GKIS Sensible Parent’s Guide to Roblox.


News-O-Matic is available for iOS. It is a captivating app that delivers news in small chunks which is useful for older children with ADHD. The stories vary from funny to serious and have a read-aloud option for kids who struggle with reading.


Mindnode is available for iOS and it is designed to help children focus and be organized. It is an app that uses mind maps to help children visualize their thoughts. The map can be color-coded and contains images. Children with ADHD tend to be energetic; this app can help make sure that they stay concentrated.

Relaxation and Mindfulness Apps


Headspace is a mindfulness app that helps children exercise, meditate, and visualize. This is beneficial because it helps them take a moment to focus and stay calm.

Toonia Colorbook

Toonia Colorbook is an app where children use coloring activities to help them relax. It can help children concentrate, calm down, and keep their minds balanced. Keeping the brain busy with something simple as coloring can have a relaxing effect.

For more information on Mindfulness apps, check out GKIS article, GKIS Recommends Some Favorite Mental Health Apps.

Thanks to CSUCI intern, Maira Soto for researching Technology and ADHD for this article.

I’m the mom psychologist who will help you GetKidsInternetSafe.

Onward to More Awesome Parenting,

Tracy S. Bennett, Ph.D.

Mom, Clinical Psychologist, CSUCI Adjunct Faculty


Photo Credits

Photo by MNstudio

Photo by Monkey Business Images

Photo by  Anna Shvets from Pexels

Works Cited

[1] What is ADHD?


[2] What is ADHD?


[3] ADHD: Recognizing Symptoms, Diagnosis, and More. https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/three-types-adhd#symptoms