Need peaceful screen time negotiations?

Get your FREE GKIS Connected Family Screen Agreement

Screen Safety Essentials Course

Screen Safety Essentials Course

for the whole family!

This MEGACOURSE gives you the content of all of our GKIS parenting courses (Connected Family & Screen Safety Toolkit) and our Connected Family Agreements and Supplements (plus so much more)! 

Achieve Screen Sanity

With short parenting and family coaching videos featuring Dr. Tracy Bennett 😀

Get started now for only $119

View lessons on computer, tablet, or smartphone (or listen in the car like a podcast) for less than $5 a lesson!

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10% off for 5-10 students, 15% off for 11-25 students, 20% off for 26 or more students

Created by Dr. Tracy Bennett 

Dr. Bennett has a PhD in 
Clinical Psychology and is a
world-recognized Screen Safety Expert. She’s treated thousands of families just like yours for over 30 years. 

She also has three kids of her own!

With 20 years of teaching the latest psychological research about
parenting, clinical psychology, and addiction at CSUCI, her techniques are sensible, 
parent-tested, and science-based. 

A peaceful, fun home with healthy screen time. Connecting! Not disconnecting.

Does screen time seem to be taking over your kids' life?

Have you struggled to get family buy-in with screen limits and safety?

Is parenting and screen safety overwhelming?

We’re all terrified that our kids will be the victims of online predators, porn, or screen addiction. The risks are too scary to ignore. But too often, other parenting experts seem out of touch. They either go too harsh and suggest a screen-free lifestyle; or they seem too indulgent, suggesting that talking is enough. 

Because she’s a parent too, Dr. Bennett recognizes a screen-free life and 100% virtual monitoring isn’t realistic; and kids can’t always make sound decisions when it comes to screen use. Threatening doesn’t get us anywhere either. It damages relationships; and angry kids won’t accept parent influence. Plus, we often rely on their smartphones for tracking and communication. Yanking screen privileges is more punishing for us! 

There is a more peaceful and effective way to keep our kids safer online – and that is what you’ll get with our proven Essentials Course. You won’t even realize the nightmares you’ll be avoiding. After taking the course, your kids will have the tools to best respond to distressing online situations. They’ll gain independent resilience, and you’ll build a positive parent-child alliance along the way! Dr. B knows that by teaching kids good coping skills on the front-end, you avoid costly psychotherapy sessions on the back-end. Not only will they accept screen safety ideas better from our psychologist expert, Dr. B, than they do from you, but our quick videos will launch conversations that will blow your mind! We’ve found parents learn as much from the kids as the kids learn from the parents! Let us do much of the work for you! 

What you get!

 Lessons from all GKIS parenting courses, agreements, and supplements (plus more) in a single course! 



GKIS-homepage cover

Science-based and outcome-tested with real families, Dr. Bennett has distilled decades of psychological research and practical know-how in this go-to parenting guide for the smart, screen-savvy family.

Reduce the risk of digital injury AND get closer to your kids!

How it works!

They say you have 8 seconds to get somebody’s attention. That’s especially true for kids! 

This course is built with busy families in mind. Your 5-minute coaching videos with quick-use tools are delivered in 4 modules so you can take it at your own pace.

MODULE 1: Get the conversation started with sensible rules and guidelines with our Connected Family Screen Agreement

MODULE 2: Master tech setup for monitoring & management with our SCREEN SAFETY TOOLKIT

MODULE 3: Use our expert home setup strategies to optimize digital fluency with safety in mind with our CONNECTED FAMILY COURSE

MODULE 4: Fuel happiness and overall good mental health with the PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLNESS STRATEGIES Dr. B’s been using in her practice for over 30 years

Your parents-only videos give the information you need to answer your children’s questions and earn the credibility to be their go-to expert. 

The family videos include an important weekly teaching topic and fun family activity. 

What people are saying!


Denise Duval Tsioles, PhD, LCSW

Founder & Clinical Director, Child Therapy Chicago
Parent of a Preteen Daughter 

“As both a child psychotherapist and a parent, I highly recommend Dr. Tracy Bennett’s GetKidsInternetSafe (GKIS) programs. I’ve followed her work for several years now, and, as a child mental health professional, routinely refer families who need guidance around internet safety to her program. Healthy and safe online engagement and social relationships play a significant role in a child’s development and sense of self. Dr. Bennett’s GKIS Screen Safety Essentials Course and Social Media Readiness Training are perfectly curated to offer parents and families key pieces of information that hit on the most important elements of internet safety in clear and concise ways. As a parent working through these programs, I love Dr. Bennett’s empathic approach to communicating with parents and kids. I think my preteen daughter feels understood and respected AND truly gets what Dr. Bennett is saying to help her learn to stay safe and enjoy the benefits of the internet. GKIS is a win-win for me both professionally and personally.”

“Thank you, Dr. Bennett!”


Why should I get this course?

FAMILY CONNECTION: Dr. B has found that the safest famiies are those that maintain a screen-friendly, ongoing dialogue. With our comprehensive family course, your kids will learn to come to your for help, recognizing that they are not alone facing risk online.

PARENT EDUCATION: Tech immigrants usually don’t know as much as their tech natives. We catch you up on issues so you can earn your child’s admiration and you can lead with credibility. 

DIGITAL INJURY PREVENTION: Dr. B beliees that learning and appropriately applying prevention strategies will decrease the chance your family will end up in a psychologist’s office for treatment due to digital injury. One can’t unsee what has already been seen. 

PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLNESS: Don’t wait until after your child has run into real, damaging trouble. Prevent digital injury, teach psychological wellness, and let go of the parenting guilt. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you really can’t go wrong.

Why is this course so inexpensive?

Dr. B loves the families she works with and has been a child advocate her whole career. Rather than charge a lot for a few families, she went against expert advice and chose to charge a little for many. She’s spent her career treating digital injury and made a personal commitment toward prevention. A ridiculously low price made sense to her to achieve that.

This course works for kids of what ages?

We offer parenting information and activities for parents of kids from preschool-age to high school-age. That way, the program can be used in families with kids of multiple ages. And, you can continue to use the course for years to come! Dr. B designs here courses with versatility in-mind.

How do I log in after I’ve bought the course?

Click “Log in” in the right-hand corner of the GKIS Home Page

Enter your Username/Email Address and Password and click “Log In”

Go back to right-hand corner of GKIS Home Page to the arrow next to “My Account.” Select “Courses.”

Go to middle of the page and select “Screen Safety Essentials Course.” Voila! You should be on your Welcome Page. 

What topics does this course cover? Should I buy the other GKIS Courses too?

The Screen Safety Essentials Course takes you through content from ALL GKIS Parenting Courses, Agreements, and Supplements (plus more), and you get free access to our Social Media Readiness Course for tweens and teens! There is no need to buy any other GKIS courses! (Unless you are a professional that works with kids or families (or know somebody who does), then we suggest you check out our Screen Safety Certification Course!)

How much time do I have to commit to follow the program?

As much as you want! But the GKIS Screen Safety Essentials Course is designed to save you time, so you can spend as little time as 20 minutes per lesson (with a total of 24 lessons). We have some parents who love to set up a weekly schedule, and others who blast through several lessons at a time. We offer an optional family exercise, downloads, and even reading links to go deeper if you’d like. It’s totally up to you!

Is there a guarantee?

Yes! If after two weeks you feel like our course is not for you, you can return your purchase no questions asked.

Won’t kids figure it out on their own?

Kids will try to convince you that they know it all, especially when it comes to being online. And they can be savvy, Dr. B knows that first hand! But kids simply don’t have the brain development or experience to anticipate all of the hazards online. Bad actors count on that. They spend countless hours studying and testing child vulnerabilities to best manipulate them. It’s so scary!! That’s why the FBI has a Cyber Squad in every field office and a 24/7 CyWatch Operations Center! 

They say there are no original ideas anymore, but we have customers telling us all the time they’ve never heard of some of Dr. B’s strategies. She’s been building them and incorporating best strategies from her work and research 30 years of parenting, researching, teaching, and clinical practice. That’s direct feedback from thousands of families! She knows what works and what doesn’t; her livelihood depends on it. 

What if we are already out of control with screen use? Are we too far gone?

It’s never too late, even with teens. GKIS strategies can be implemented immediately for positive change. And you’ll learn a ton so you won’t feel shut out anymore.

Which video do I watch first, the parent video or the family video? What is the difference?

We recommend you watch the parent video first on your own. The parent video offers parenting ideas and strategies that support the family exercise. The family video offers an exercise for the whole family. You can screen-cast it onto your TV for your family to view together or just share your tablet. Each video is between 5-10 minutes long. To make the family course super convenient, we give you access to all weekly videos at once.

Will we get access to Dr. Bennett?

If you’d like individual coaching for support here and there, you can always sign up for coaching sessions with Dr. B separately. Coaching sessions are offered at a discount. Also, keep an eye on her SAVE-THE-DATE page and attend a presentation! Or, make an appointment for an office consultation!

My coaching video has no sound.

Usually, that happens if your phone is on silent, your volume is down, or you need to tap the gray speaker icon in the right-hand corner of the video.

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