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Get your FREE GKIS Connected Family Screen Agreement

Social Media Readiness Course

Safer screen use & improved psychological wellness for tween and teens

"Like Driver's Training - But for the Internet!"

You get what you want: better online safety and empowerment.
They get what they want: fun with friends online.

Get started now for only $59!

(Discounted $30 off the regular $89 price)

View lessons on computer, tablet, or smartphone for less than $5 a lesson!

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10% off for 5-10 students, 15% off for 11-25 students, 20% off for 26 or more students

Created by Dr. Tracy Bennett 

Dr. Bennett has a PhD in 
Clinical Psychology and is a
world-recognized Screen Safety Expert. She’s treated thousands of families just like yours for over 30 years. 

She also has three kids of her own!

With 20 years of teaching the latest psychological research about
parenting, clinical psychology, and addiction at CSUCI, her techniques are sensible, 
parent-tested, and science-based. 

Did you know?

Since the mass marketing of the smartphone in 2007, teen mental illness rates have skyrocketed

1/3 teen girls have seriously thought of committing suicide in the last year

Tweens & teens are hypersensitive to social feedback & lack impulse control - making them highly susceptible to the dangers of social media

Dr. Tracy Bennett, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, founded GetKidsInternetSafe in 2010 because she was alarmed by how many kids in her practice were suffering from serious digital injury due to social media and the internet. “I was seeing middle schoolers addicted to pornography, working with the FBI to get a 12-year-old client to stop contacting and planning to meet a 32-year-old pedophile, and watching depression and anxiety skyrocket due to cyberbullying and compare and despair. It was terrifying! And back then, parents were unaware of the risks. We are finally becoming more informed due to experts raising the alarm, but we haven’t made enough progress protecting our kids.”

What does protection look like? Most parents agree that kids shouldn’t be on social media until they are at least age 16 (including Australia which has passed legislation to that effect). But realistically, most tweens and teens are begging for it or on it already (92% by age 13). They love the opportunities social media offers like making new friends, deepening existing friendships, and for exploration and discovery. Without it, they report feeling socially excluded, isolated, and lonely. What is a parent to do?

“One thing we can’t do is pretend there are no risks inherent in the use of social media. Burying our heads in the sand because there are no simple solutions is the WORST thing we can do. Yet many of us do it, and then our kids become disconnected from us, our worst nightmare! To help prevent the family disconnect and digital injuries I was seeing in my office (and fearing in my own home), I committed to the GKIS mission. Sound, sensible prevention starts with learning factual, science-backed information and the skills necessary for smart screen and social media use.”

After writing her book, Screen Time in the Mean Time, and creating easy-to-use, accessible GKIS parenting courses, she launched the Social Media Readiness Course for Tweens and Teens. “This has been my most popular course so far, with parents telling me they love the positive, action-oriented tools that their kids (and they) learn from the course. By teaching kids good coping skills on the front end, families avoid costly psychotherapy sessions on the back end. Not only do kids accept screen safety ideas better from me than their parents, but the course also launches critical family conversations about safety. We’ve found that parents learn as much from their kids after they take the course than the kids learn from the parents!” The American Psychological Association and other experts agree that social media readiness is critical to protect teen mental health.

Our course is right for you if ...

Your child is ready for social media - but you don't know how to prepare them

You're not sure yourself what the risks are and they don't listen to you anyway

You worry about their access to porn, predators, conspiracy theories, and cyberbullies

You're burned out on being the bad guy and want them to gain independence and sound judgment without your constant nagging

Dr. Bennett has a PhD in Clinical Psychology and is a World-Recognized Screen Safety Expert.

Dr. Bennett is a mom of teens herself and is not one to those experts who are so out of touch they insist on a screen-free life or 100% virtual monitoring. She recognizes that kids can’t always make sound decisions without the information they need to recognize risk and control their own impulses. Parents can’t do all of the work without jeopardizing a positive parent-child relationship.

Best screen practices must be taught, supervised, and managed – gradually with sensible flexibility. The GKIS Social Media Readiness Training Course offers your tween or teen the opportunity to start taking accountability for themselves, proactive instead of reactive

With our proven GKIS Course, you won’t even realize the nightmares you’ll be avoiding. Your kids will know how to best respond to distressing online situations. Plus, they’ll gain independent resilience and you’ll build a positive parent-child alliance along the way. Dr. B believes that by teaching kids good coping skills on the front-end, you can avoid costly psychotherapy sessions on the back-end. 

Isn’t that what we really want ?

A peaceful, fun home with healthy screen time.

Not disconnecting.

What you get!

Family-tested and outcome based, our Social Media Readiness Course offers best practices from the psychological research and creative, real-world clinical secrets from Dr. B’s practice with the most challenging teens. 


For teens and their parents AND for tweens and their parents

You can take them an unlimited number of times


  • The Tween Version is 5th grade reading level and takes about 4 hours to complete.
  • The Teen Version is 10th grade reading level and takes about 6 hours to complete.
  • A free parent version for each course without quizzes so you can look it over ahead of time.
  • Each self-paced Social Media Readiness Course in 10 easy lessons with reading & videos.
  • Mastery quizzes after each lesson.
  • Exclusive access to Dr. Bennett and motivated parents like yourself on the private SCREENAGE CONNECTED FAMILY Facebook Page.

More informed & better emotionally equipped in 10 lessons

Protecting Your Money & Information

Protecting Your Reputation & Well Being

Protecting Your Emotional Wellness 

Protecting Your Physical Wellness

Emotional Readiness Techniques

Emotional Fitness & Mindfulness

Emotional Reset Techniques

Thinking Reset Techniques

Emotional Resilience Techniques

The Love of Learning





  • DIRECT ACCESS to Dr. Bennett for social support and extra tips and tricks as you go.
  • BRAINSTORM novel solutions with other parents and share useful resources.
  • FEEL INSPIRED by the progress of others, even when your brilliant little manipulators push back.
  • GET ENERGIZED with the reassurance of other parents just like you. You may even spark some great friendships!
  • YOU CHOOSE whether you need to be connected to a few friends for individual support or prefer to share openly on the forum, you’ll always have other VIP GKIS parents and Dr. B to rely on!


Why is this course so inexpensive?

Dr. B loves the families she works with and has been a child advocate her whole career. Rather than charge a lot for a few families, she went against expert advice and chose to charge a little for many. She’s spent her career treating digital injury and made a personal commitment toward prevention. A ridiculously low price made sense to her to achieve that.

How do I know if this is for us? If your tween or teen is prepping to go or already on social media or if they are gaming, then it’s time to have a frank and explicit talk about the risks they’re facing online. Most parents don’t know all of them, because risks are surfacing every day. With the help of my interns, I’ve been tracking them since I started practice 30 years ago. Your teen will also learn the best psychological wellness tools that I teach in my practice at $500 an hour. Total bargain. Browse through the course yourself to make sure you are OK with the course content. If you think this course isn’t for you or your kids, you can have a full refund within two weeks of purchase. We are THAT confident you will love this course.

How do I log in after I’ve bought the course?

Click “Log in” in the right-hand corner of the GKIS Home Page

Enter your Username/Email Address and Password and click “Log In”

Go back to right-hand corner of GKIS Home Page to the arrow next to “My Account.” Select “Courses.”

You will see four courses listed here: 

– Social Media Readiness Training for Teens + matching Parent Version.

– Social Media Readiness for Tweens + matching Parent Version.

Click on one of the four links and, voila, you will be on your Welcome Page. 

To reset the course and take it as many times as you’d like, click on the orange square that says “Reset Course Progress” below the Social Media Readiness Course link.

If you have any trouble whatsoever, email me at

What does it mean that I got a parent version of the course also?

We give you two versions of each course:

  • The 4-hour TWEEN course with quizzes and an identical tween parent version without quizzes (5th-grade-reading-level).
  • The 6-hour TEEN course with quizzes and an identical teen parent version without quizzes (10th-grade-reading-level).

We offer the parent versions so you can review every course lesson without having to pass quizzes. That way you can quickly approve of all content before you have your child take it. You can take any version of the course as many times as you’d like.

Your child can only download their graduation certificate after they pass all quizzes of the tween or teen course. 

Won’t kids figure it out on their own?

Kids will try to convince you that they know it all, especially when it comes to being online. And they can be savvy, Dr. B knows that first hand! But kids simply don’t have the brain development or experience to anticipate all of the hazards online. Bad actors count on that. They spend countless hours studying and testing child vulnerabilities to best manipulate them. It’s so scary!! That’s why the FBI has a Cyber Squad in every field office and a 24/7 CyWatch Operations Center! 

They say there are no original ideas anymore, but we have customers telling us all the time they’ve never heard of some of Dr. B’s strategies. She’s been building them and incorporating best strategies from her work and research 30 years of parenting, researching, teaching, and clinical practice. That’s direct feedback from thousands of families! She knows what works and what doesn’t; her livelihood depends on it. 

What if we are already out of control with social media? Are we too far gone?

It’s never too late, even with teens. GKIS Social Media Readiness strategies can be implemented immediately for positive change. And you’ll learn a ton so you won’t feel shut out anymore.

What child ages does this course apply to?

The GKIS Social Media Readiness Training Course is developed for tweens and teens. I encourage you to use your judgment if your younger child is sophisticated enough to consider online risk. We believe that if you think your child is old enough for social media, then they’re likely old enough for this course. It covers topics that you won’t find free or in school programs. Dr B works with teens, so she has a lot of training and experience knowing what is appropriate for them to know. But since every child is different, the decision if it is appropriate for your child rests on you – just as it should be. Feel free to email Dr. Bennett with questions.

Will we get access to Dr. Bennett?

Although this course doesn’t offer coaching packages, you can always sign up for coaching sessions with Dr. B separately. The first session is deeply discounted. Also, with the private GKIS Connected Family FaceBook group bonus, you’ll get exclusive access to her Facebook live videos and can post for feedback from her and other parents. Dr. B pops in often to offer funny stories and creative suggestions that she uses with her teens and with challenging kids in clinical practice. 

Also, keep an eye on her SAVE-THE-DATE page and attend a presentation! Or, make an appointment for an office consultation.we

How long will it take?

The tween course takes an average of 4 hours to complete.

The teen course takes an average of 6 hours to complete. (Lessons 1-4 take about 75 minutes each to complete. Lessons 5-10 take about 30 minutes each).

We designed the courses to be self-paced. The user can take one lesson at a time, or they can jet through it one lesson after the other.

We also designed the course with mastery in mind. To move from one lesson to the other, your teen must pass each 10-item lesson quiz with a 70% or above. Tweens must pass each 5-item lesson quiz with a 60% or above. Like driver’s training, you’ll know that graduating from this course means your tween/teen is certified in GKIS social media mastery.

Dr. B believes that social media readiness decreases the chance you’ll end up in a psychologist’s office due to digital injury. One can’t unsee what has already been seen. With this course, your tween/teen will be more likely to know when to steer clear of situations and come to you for help.

Don’t wait until after your child has run into trouble. Help prevent digital injury, teach psychological wellness, and let go of the parenting guilt. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can’t go wrong. 

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