I am so excited to share this with you! Over the past several months, I’ve been told from overwhelmed parents in my coaching and clinical practices,
“I can’t figure out what to say or where to start with screen safety. Can you PLEASE just do it for me?”
We are all so busy and overwhelmed – and where do you start without sparking resistance from the kids? For some, even a book or a course feels like too much. They’d rather just dive in with me and get the work done. And so we did – during individual sessions that cost $180 an hour. They LOVED it!
With coaching, we got rolling with our:
- CONNECTED FAMILY SCREEN AGREEMENT, a digital contract that covers the basics, step-by-step.
- tech parental controls from our SCREEN SAFETY TOOLKIT
- comprehensive screen setup rules and ideas to optimize balance and screen-based learning based on our CONNECTED FAMILY COURSE.
- as well as tons of other great information, including positive parenting strategies, social media readiness, things to look out for with gamers, and information about how to avoid the many digital injuries out there that most parents have never even thought of!
- And most valuable of all, socioemotional strategies that help avoid distressing psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression.
But let’s face it, I only have so many coaching hours available and not every family wants to buy in at $180 an hour. Which leads me to my announcement today. After testing my GetKidsInternetSafe App out with volunteer subscribers,
My parent and family coaching videos are ready for smartphone delivery!
By simply registering for the GetKidsInternetSafe App, you get my 5-10 minute coaching videos with easy-to-use downloads delivered directly on your app.
One video is for parents only to help you prepare for the behind-the-scenes maneuvers that optimize success. And with my family coaching video, you can cast it to your TV, tablet, or computer to watch as a family followed by a fun family activity option.
And the great news is that if you sign up now…
Also, those that get their GetKidsInternetSafe App by Midnight Thursday (April 1) will be invited to an exclusive, complimentary Live Online Q&A session with me! You can ask questions live, or submit them anonymously prior to the event, and I’ll answer them!
With summer coming up, it’s a perfect time to spend a little time regrouping for safe screen use. Your GKIS Coaching App will show you exactly how to do that. It’s guaranteed for 30 days free! That’s 5 weeks – 10 videos – at no cost to start. After that, you have to option to continue at only $19.99 a month – a deeply discounted price compared to my regular $180/hour. Plus, you get free downloads from every course GKIS offers!
I can’t wait to hear about the instant improvement you’ll soon have in your home, and I hope to see you on the live Q&A session!
Onward to more awesome parenting,
Tracy S. Bennett, Ph.D.
Mom, Psychologist, CSUCI Adjunct Faculty