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The Psychology Behind Fake News, Bots, and Conspiracy Theories on the Internet

Clickbait headlines and Internet autofeeds tempt us into mindless scrolling. They soak into our memories without our awareness and tempt us to share even after only reading the headline. False information manipulates stock markets, our political views, and our purchasing. It makes us feel connected to celebrities and can divide families. Everybody has an opinion that they are happy to argue about online even if they believe it’s too rude to share at a dinner party. What is fake news? How do bots contribute to fake news? Why does fake news suck us in so expertly? And how can we avoid its seductive allure?

What is “fake news?”

Fake news is false information designed to inform opinions and tempt sharing. It could be a rumor, deliberate propaganda, or an unintended error that deceives readers.

Fake news can affect attitudes and behavior. Fake news about a celebrity may not be harmless, but chances are it won’t have a long-lasting and devastating impact. However, fake news about the spread of a virus, the necessity of medical interventions, or the intentions of a politician can have a huge impact and manipulate behavior in dangerous ways.


In addition to the three billion human accounts on social media, there are also millions of bots.[i] Bots are created using a computer algorithm (a set of instructions used to complete a task) and work autonomously and repetitively. They can simulate human behavior on social media websites by interacting with other users and by sharing information and messages.

Bots possess artificial intelligence (AI). They can learn response patterns in different situations. Programmed to identify and target influential social media users, bots can spread fake news quickly.

According to a 2017 estimate, there were about 23 million bots on Twitter, 27 million bots on Instagram, and 140 million bots on Facebook. Altogether, that adds to 190 million bots on just three social media platforms, more than half the population of the United States.[ii]

3 Reasons Why We Get Sucked in by Fake News

With convenient on-demand internet access, we’ve gotten into the habit of greedily gulping rather than thoughtfully chewing our news. We browse instead of reading then impulsively jump to share.

A recent study found that 59% of shared articles on social media are never even read. Most social media users get their information based solely on a headline.[iii] Why are we susceptible to this form of online behavior? Are we lazy with low attention spans, or could it be something else?

Fake news is crafted to be widely appealing. 

A recent study found that fake news is 70% more likely to be retweeted than true stories. A true story takes six times longer to reach 1,500 people than it takes for fake news to reach the same amount of people. Fake news is typically new and unusual information that is tested for shareability. Unlike truth, which you consume and it’s over, fake news is alive and constantly evolving.[iv]

We hear and see what we want.

An echo chamber is a metaphor for a closed online space where beliefs are repeated by different users. With each contact with that information, the information is exaggerated and the reader becomes more convinced that the content is factual and impactful.

Social media sites repetitively send us links to information based on our previous internet searches. This is called targeted advertising. It is designed to take us into a rabbit hole of single-minded desire. Not only does this sell us ideas, belief systems, and facts, but it can also get us to back politicians and influencers and ultimately spend our money. The act of unconsciously seeking out and remembering information that supports our views is called confirmation bias. Fake news feeds this bias.

Shortcuts are easier.

Heuristics are shortcuts our minds take to make quicker decisions. They allow us to function without having to think about every action we make.

Humans are not designed to have an honest view of the world. We form our decisions based on a vague worldview supported by emotional confirmation. We search for facts that make us feel more confident and avoid or flatly reject those that don’t.

Black-and-white thinking calms our anxiety and makes us feel like we have more control. Considering complex information and complicated nuance takes more effort and time. It also requires a more informed database to work from. Most online readers don’t want to take the time to patiently and humbly build up that kind of expertise. Quick information that offers more successful shareability is a more attractive option for online communication.

3 Reasons Why We Believe It

British psychologist Karen Douglas found three criteria for why someone would believe in conspiracy theories.

The Desire for Understanding and Certainty

It’s human nature to try to explain why things happen. Evolutionarily, those who were the best problem-solvers were more likely to survive. There is an adaptive advantage for those who ask questions and quickly find answers. Easy answers ease our anxiety and simply confirm our worldview.

Conspiracy theories are also false beliefs, and those who believe in them have a vested interest in keeping them. Uncertainty is an unpleasant state. Conspiracy theories provide a sense of understanding and certainty that is comforting.

The Desire for Control and Security

We need to feel like we have control over our lives. For conspiracy theorists, this is especially true when the alternative to their belief is stressful. For instance, if global warming is true and temperatures are rising, we will have to change our lifestyles. That would be uncomfortable and costly. Instead, you could listen to influencers who assure you that global warming is a hoax so you can continue with your way of living. This is called motivated reasoning and is a strong component of belief in conspiracy theories.

The Desire to Maintain a Positive Self-Image

Research has shown that those who feel they are socially marginalized will be more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. A positive self-image is fed from our successes in our relationships and accolades from those we admire. Chatting in online forums with same-minded others brings us community and feelings of self-worth. Researching a conspiracy theory can give one a feeling of having exclusive knowledge and expertise and offer opportunities for adulation and leadership.[v]

How to Protect Ourselves from Being Duped by Fake News and Conspiracy Theories

Assess the characteristics of the article you are reading.

  • Is it an editorial or an opinion piece?
  • Who is the author?
  • Is the author credible?
  • Have they specialized in a certain field or are they a random person with an unresearched opinion?
  • Can you trust the information they offer?
  • Do they cite their sources or is the article designed to impress instead of informing?

Check the ads.

Be wary of articles containing multiple pop-ups, advertisements of items not associated with the article, or highly provocative and sexual advertisements.

Verify images.

Are the images copied from other sources or are they licensed for use by the author? Google Image Search is an easy tool to find published copies of the image.

Use fact-checking websites.

Examples are Snopes, Factcheck.org, and PolitiFact.

Research opposing views. 

Check out sources with viewpoints opposing the articles you read that differ from your own opinions. To defend a point of view, you must understand the other side.

Learn to tolerate several complex ideas at once, even if it causes tension.

Smart discussion requires that we discuss the nuance of complex ideas rather than engaging in faulty or black-and-white thinking. Experts are not shy to say they don’t know something. Insecure amateurs try to fake it.

Share responsibly. 

As important as it is to protect yourself from fake news, it is equally important to help protect others from fake news. Make sure to check the authenticity of an article before posting it online. If Aunt Joyce posts something inaccurate, side message her and let her know that it is fake news and how you found that information so she can better use fact-checking in the future.

Thanks to CSUCI intern, Dylan Smithson for researching the ways fake news is affecting us and how to avoid being morons online. To view some valuable news clips of Dr. Bennett’s interviews about parenting and screen safety, check out her YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/DRTRACYBENNETT,

I’m the mom psychologist who will help you GetKidsInternetSafe.

Onward to More Awesome Parenting,

Tracy S. Bennett, Ph.D.
Mom, Clinical Psychologist, CSUCI Adjunct Faculty

Works Cited

[i] Simon Kemp (2019) Digital trends 2019: Every single stat you need to know about the internet https://thenextweb.com/contributors/2019/01/30/digital-trends-2019-every-single-stat-you-need-to-know-about-the-internet/

[ii] Amit, Argawal (2019) How is Fake News Spread? Bots, People like You, Trolls, and Microtargeting http://www.cits.ucsb.edu/fake-news/spread

[iii] Jayson DeMers (2019) 59 Percent Of You Will Share This Article Without Even Reading It https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2016/08/08/59-percent-of-you-will-share-this-article-without-even-reading-it/#646fecdb2a64

[iv] Kari Paul (2018) False news stories are 70% more likely to be retweeted on Twitter than true ones https://www.marketwatch.com/story/fake-news-spreads-more-quickly-on-twitter-than-real-news-2018-03-08

[v] David, L (2018) Why Do People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?


Photo Credits

Antonio Marín Segovia Internet ha sido asesinado por el macarrismo ilustrado de Wert, con el beneplácito del PPSOE CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Free Press/ Free Press Action Fund’s photostream Invasion of Fake News CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Sean MacEntee social media CC BY 2.0

Keywords: Internet, Conspiracy Theories, Fake News, Bots, AI, Confirmation Bias, Heuristics, Echo Chamber